An Approval
A twenty-year-old girl was reading a national geographic magazine issued in August 2016 and one article has triggered her. It was about a group of researchers in the US that has been doing a groundbreaking genetics experiment in a lab. The article is about a molecular geneticist from the University of California, Anthony James who has been doing a painstaking experiment. His aim is to engineer mosquito genes which in turn remove its ability to spread the diseases.
It's a jaw-dropping also a head-scratching article. She asked to her father. Why human acted like they were God? Why do they create genetically modified creatures? And why do God just letting human do what they want to do? And he answer. Everything in this world that could be happened means that God has given the approval. If not, then it wouldn't happened.
Science is awesome, gorgeous, and frightened at the same time (if we don't use it responsibly). She knows that what has been written in the bible somehow can not be implied scientifically, and vice versa. She might had little knowledge about God or science or both. One thing for sure, she is learning.
The article: